Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth (third molars) are usually the last teeth to erupt through the gums. If the jaw does not have enough space for the wisdom tooth to erupt, the tooth will become wedged in or impacted. Some impacted wisdom teeth will not cause any problems, however, others may become problematic. It is recommended that the removal of troublesome wisdom teeth should be performed as soon as possible to prevent the conditions from getting worse. Problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth can include:

  • Pericoronitis; infection in the gum covering the wisdom tooth, causing pain and swelling
  • Crowding (When a wisdom tooth push nearby teeth out of their correct position)
  • Cyst (A sac of fluid formed around the tooth that can destroy bone and damage teeth)
  • Food Trapping due to difficulty in maintaining optimal oral hygiene
  • Resorption Cavity (the wisdom tooth may keep pushing against the molar next to it and cause serious damage to both teeth)
  • Halitosis (bad breath)

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